Sunday, February 27, 2011

Continents and Confusion

This continent work has been popular in our Casa lately.  The children punch out the continents in colors that correspond with the puzzle map, cut out the hemispheres, glue the continents on the hemispheres, and label the continents.  My trainer always said we MUST NOT do this because the punched continents are not accurate representations of the continents.  However, many of my colleagues (AMI and AMS) offer this activity so I decided to try it. It does seem to give the children a real and remembered sense of the continents and their names.  I always try to help the children realize what our continent is in relation to country, state (in our case) and city.  On Thursday I asked a small group, "What is our continent?"  Most replied with our city name, finally, "North America!"  "Okay, what is our country?"  City names again, then, from the same child, "United States!"  "Okay, what state do we live in?"  A few missteps but eventually, "Minnesota!"  "And what city are we in?"  Thank goodness they got that.  I then went the other way, what city, state, country, continent.  My last question was, "And what planet do we live on?"  Someone shouts out, "The Sun!"  I've got some work to do. 

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